Jesús Olmo
<jesusolmo@hotmail.com> |
14 de febrero de 2010 04:21
Para: "Ignacio Darnaude (UFOs, etc)"
"Investigation into the invisible
world" (Enquête sur le monde invisible)
(2002)"Huldúfolk" (2006) ("Huldúfolk" means "hidden
"Investigation into the invisible
world": Most people in
Iceland believe in "hidden beings"--the kind of
from-the-beyond entities ridiculed in less isolated,
science-obsessed parts of the West. Perhaps because of
its location at the juncture of the American and
European tectonic plates, or the Icelandic church's
openness to pagan traditions, these descendents of
Nordic conquerors and Irish slaves heartily acknowledge
the numinous realm. On this largest of all volcanic
islands, home to only 283,000, clairvoyants and mediums
tap into the frequencies of elves, ghosts, and a variety
of nature spirits and learn profound lessons. With utter
respect for its subject, Investigation into the
Invisible World digs into the supernatural in a country
where it consistently erupts into the mundane. The
film's supreme artistry, which showcases Iceland's
breathtaking topography and dramatic light and employs
haunting, evocative soundscapes, simulates an alternate
reality and lends insight into the Icelandic soul.
Children and adults relate stories of elf friends,
sea-monster sightings, or ghost communication. A
public-works bureaucrat explains that mediums are hired
as go-betweens with the spirit world when boulders are
moved at construction sites. A police officer remembers
a time when women emerged pregnant from visits to the
elves' rocks. Even former president Finnbogadottir says,
"No one has proven the existence [of invisible beings],
but no one has proven the existence of God,
either." "Investigation into the invisible
world":http://www.cinemalta.com/boutique/addprod.asp?productid=4&collection=1 "Investigation into the invisible
world" trailer (french)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FylHb1bEinY "Investigation into the invisible
world" (documental completo, en
francés):http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1mzw3_enquete-sur-le-monde-invisible-part_tech "Huldúfolk" website:http://www.huldufolk102.com/ "Huldúfolk" trailer:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwTa7KxBa_U
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